Sunday, November 23, 2008


Okay. I have a confession: I am not a fan of politics. I am not a fan of discussing politics. I am not a fan of practicing politics. I, in general, dislike politics.

Then, I was married on December 30, 2006 to a man who minored in political science. So I started to care - just a little. But not much. Clearly. :)

THEN, he strapped me down to a chair and made me watch this show:

The West Wing.

I must admit - it has been love ever since. Ladies and gentlemen I woke up last night around 2 am (due to repeated rib kickings) and what was the first thought in my brain??? A smashing chorus of the theme song for the show. Complete with visions of red and white stripes rippling triumphantly in the wind. -sigh- I. am. addicted.

What's worse is we are almost done with the entire series. Yes. It's sad but true. (I must also confess that there is a bit of bittersweet-ness to this - because now I get to start the series over and again - and I don't have to wait for Conrad to watch the episodes - so while I'm on "bed rest" I can actually fulfill my addictions and then have REAL TIME to spend with the husband when he comes home - as long as it doens't involve running a marathon or something - not that I would do that anyway - seriously - us - run - ha!)

So. Even if you are the person in the room who avoids politics at all costs, give the show a watch, you'll be hooked too. :)


edit to add: I just traveled over to Lots of Scotts. You HAVE to see this video. She has been working with her 4 year old triplets to memorize scripture since the beginning of the school year. They've been using an ABC verse order to help the children - brilliant! One of her sons has A-H down. What a wonderful witness to world! These children already have the word of God planted in their hearts. :)


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Seuss Nursery! :)

My Aunt Becky visited this weekend and helped us out with the nursery. Before my activity was restricted (I've been given back some privelages though- so no complaints!) I'd planned on painting several Dr. Seuss characters on the walls of nursery. My artistic Aunt graciously offered to take on the painting while she visited this weekend. The results were phenomenal! :) THANK YOU AUNT BECKY!

My Momma helped too! :) They let me go upstairs and sit in a chair to watch. I was even allowed to paint part of ONE fish! :)

My Aunt suggested we cut out a green felt star and put it in the back of the Star-Bellied Sneetches book. After we read the book with Baby Sesame we can then talk about the book (which is about treating everyone the same even though you are different) and velcro the star to the belly of the starless Sneetch. Can you tell she was a teacher?!? :)

Aunt Becky! :)

They traced the outline of the characters with an overhead projector and then Aunt Becky went back over and filled in the black parts by "eye-balling" it. She did a GREAT job!

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Friday, November 7, 2008

Bed Restin' ... Sort of...

Husband had Tuesday off for Election Day. (There are some major perks to working at a company that employs Union people!) Election Day was also a doctor appointment day at the Golbov Household. woo hoo. :) My "modified bed rest" has been modified once again! The doctor I saw gave me the go ahead to drive, but only run a quick errand, not stand around and shop for any length of time. So YAY! :) Wednesday was a rough baby day - I think I tried to do too much in the am - which left me resting on my back the remainder of the day. BUT with this new-found freedom of being able to climb stairs a few times a day Conrad and I assembled Sesame's crib! :) YAY! Also I worked on the baby quilt and realized that I know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about quilting. It's true. I've only ever made one quilt in my life for husband in college - and it was significantly less complicated. Why do I always insist on making my own patterns, etc. when it comes to crafty things?! Seriously!? :) Anyway here are some photos of Sesame's crib & quilt! :) Enjoy!

Conrad assembling said crib. I "supervised" from a chair and distributed screws, washers & allen wrenches. Homer just wandered around the room looking confused. :)

Assembled crib! YAY! :) The boxes to the left of the crib on are Conrad's yet to unpack bins from college. I'm afraid to open them.

TOTALLY CUTE sheet and bumper pads! :) I decided NOT to take on the task of making bumper pads. I don't think my mad sewing skills are quite to the that level yet! :)

Speaking of sewing skills! This is the left side of the baby quilt. The right side is identical. I LOVE the bright colors! :)

This is center piece of the quilt. I'm going to re-sew it so there is actually room to make a seam on either side of the diamond without butting off the corners. This is the "main fabric" so to speak. It's so pretty!!! :) (Can you tell I'm excited!)

This particular piece was going to go in place of the three rectangles bordered by yellow, but I decided that 1 inch squares would take FOREVER to sew. SOOOO the two that I made will be part of some denim pillows. :) I do love the circle-y fabric though! :) The back of the quilt is the fun fuzzy limey green fabric. Terribly soft and fun to pet! :)

I'm off to rest for a spell, eat lunch then fold some laundry. I've never been more excited to fold laundry in my life. :)