Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Holy TP Batman!"

Once upon a time silence was blissful. Silence was comforting like a large, snuggly blanket. Then I had Sesame. Then she became mobile. Now silence is the most terrifying sound in my home. After 7.921 seconds of eerie, echoing halls, I begin to tremble with the terror of what - or who - I will find breaking a rule. Homer isn't sinless in this house. So today when Sesame disappeared from sight and all I heard was "thump, thump *giggle, squeal* thump" I began to tremble.

I rounded the corner of our entryway to find this sight in the half bath.

This is the most appropriate time in her short life that the pterodactyl/gremlin face has surfaced to date. Clearly, she found the toilet paper.

And clearly, she had a good time playing with the physics of said toilet paper.

This is her "Crum! I'm caught!" face. I love it even more because she has toilet paper hanging form her mouth. I'm sure we'll have some interesting poops here in the next few days...

Again - TP on the tongue.

What is she doing!? Does she really think she'll make it very far with TP in her mouth and her hand!?! I wasn't born yesterday Nells Bells!! This Momma is in control of her child and will reprimand her where is appropriate.

And clearly I did an A+ job with the parenting today. That's right - I let her climb the stairs - TP in hand and mouth - while I punished her took photos. I'm such a great Mom. :)

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