Husband and I have had this ongoing discussion throughout the length of time we have known each other. In fact, I believe our first debate centering on robots/machines vs. humans was the very night we met.
Now. I have recently started my own, albeit small, photography business out of our house. I am by no means an expert, but enjoy what I do. In order to save money, husband, in all his generosity, intelligence and splendor, has KINDLY offered his crazy mad computer skills to create a website. Since neither of us knows how to use flash, it's slow going, but the site is AWESOME.
Okay. Back to the point.
Whilst I love to take photos and edit them, MY skills with the computer leaves something to be desired. I"m not an idiot, but I'm no Einstein. So when I ventured to create a DVD out of some senior pictures the other day I quickly realized I was taking my life into my own hands.
Not only am I very anal about visuals, but also SOUND. This nifty little program that college pc man (seriously I think we ordered our computer from a larg,e curly headed, college boy who collects random computer parts from the street and Frankenstein's them together...thankfully MUCH better than the scientist in the book...) put into our software program APPEARED to be EASY TO USE. First clue that this would take longer than an afternoon. ALL the buttons I needed to press were an embossed gray color = unable to use. I searched for help online. I called husband. I threw a pen and scared my dog. THEN I was frustrated because I couldn't get the sound to FADE OUT. I just stopped. Fortunately, after two days, I finished the DVD (YAY!) and everyone remained alive.
Now. Here is the part I don't understand. If I had called their customer service number, which I seriously considered, I KNOW I would have become MORE frustrated because I would have spent MORE time with an automated MACHINE voice. Now I ask you - is it so hard to have humans running a company for the technically challenged??? Have mercy on our already strained patience and just answer the phone! Please!
Okay. Massive complaint/ramble over.
On a happy note today is my "leave the house day." :) I have a bible study in Genesis I'm attending on Wednesday a bout an hour. We're taking a break from study today to celebrate the birth of a baby with a small baby shower! yay! :) The Genesis study is amazing though. I must admit, I was a little leary heading into the discussions. My ideas behind creation tend to conflict with others sometimes -- HOWEVER the Lord has reminded me that the WHOLE PURPOSE behind the book is to GLORIFY HIM! :) The details don't really matter, the picture that is painted reflects the
awesomeness of our creator and how infinitesimally small we are compared to the Lord. I would highly recommend watching the Louie Giglio DVD How Great Is Our God. It's only $10 on amazon. Good stuff. :) Okay I'm off to get ready for the day!