Thursday, April 2, 2009

I Never Knew My Mother...

I never knew my mother hurt like she did when I made a mistake.
I never knew my mother prayed for me as fervently as she did.
I never knew my mother ached for my innocence to stay as long as possible.
I never knew my mother was the meanest because she loved me.
I never knew my mother said 'no' because she was trying to teach me.
I never knew my mother took me shopping simply to talk to me.
I never knew my mother locked the car doors so we had to talk to her - or listen to her.
I never knew my mother cherished our snuggles so much.
I never knew my mother cried more than I did when I fell.
I never knew my mother smiled when she saw my father in me.

I really never knew my mother, until I became one.


Katie @ Heart Gone Walking said...

Um, did you write that? Because that is so beautiful. Crying up here in Broad Ripple...

Jennifer Martin said...

beautiful, moving...thank you for writing Em. Share more!